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211 faithfuls depart for Hadj 2014


Wed, 24 Sep 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

211 faithful left the airport yesterday for Medine in Saudi Arabia with Camair-Co. A synergy between the authorities, the commission of Hadj and Camair-Co led to the displacement of Cameroonian pilgrims for Hadj 2014.

Yesterday, September 23 at the international airport of Douala, a special device was set up for the operation: organizers, personnel of the airports of Cameroon, Camair-Co, etc. On arrival, travellers were immediately led to the departure lounge based on instructions.

Pr. Moupou, teaching at the University of Yaounde I, Moslem faithful indicated that he goes to reaffirm his faith with Allah, the powerful one. He recalled that:"To go in Mecca belongs to the five pillars of Islam".

The teacher noted with much joy the improvement in the framing of the travelers. 4,500 pilgrims were listed for Hadj 2014: 3,300 from Garoua and 1,200 in Douala. To avoid the problems like former years, Camair-Co rented one 767 of 300 places from a saoudienne transport company.

Source: Cameroon Tribune