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26 join the CWF fold of Bonaberi

Sun, 28 Sep 2014 Source: The Post Newspaper

The Christian Women Fellowship, CWF, of Bonaberi has admitted 26 new members into its fold.

The ceremony to dedicate the 26 new members took place on Sunday, September 21, at Presbyterian Church Bonaberi, and was presided over by the Parish Pastor, Rev Simon Mokoko Elive.

In a sermon delivered by the Associate Pastor, Rev Mrs Prudence Nforlem, the woman of God dwelled on the theme, “Be a Living Testimony to God’s Glory” the Pastor reminded the people of God that their ways of life as children of God, is to testify that Jesus is Lord.

“Everything we do or say here on earth is to testify whether we are for, or against, the God that we serve. Because the way we testify as Christians matters a lot,” she said.

Rev. Nforlem called on the Christians to understand that their actions or words can either build or destroy the faith of others.

Using Apostle Paul in the Bible as an example, the Rev Pastor declared that the life of an upright Christian gladdens the hearts of those around him/her. According to the Pastor, thanksgiving, praise singing, prayer, Faith, Hope and Love are the cardinal points in the life of every Christian.

Believers, the Woman of God went on, should live what they preach, and by so doing, they will not only become living testimonies, but will smile over the storms of life, renounce all forms of idol worshipping and will dedicate themselves to God’s service.

After a series of drilling, trooping of the CWF colours, singing of the CWF anthem and oath taking in the presence of God’ people, the Parish Pastor, Simon Mokoko Elive performed the dedication rights and presented the 26 members to the congregation.

One of the newly dedicated members, Pamela Agbor Ambang, Senior Guidance Counsellor in the University of Douala, expressed satisfaction for having been dedicated into the CWF.

She told The Post that she has been on probation for one year and today she is elated to wear the yellow fabric and white blouse.

The 26 newly dedicated members have brought the number of CWF Christians in PC Bonaberi to 826.

Source: The Post Newspaper