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5th edition of CNPB emphasize on peace in Cmr

Fri, 21 Nov 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The 5th edition of the Cameroon national prayer breakfast (CNPB) was held Thursday in Yaounde.

For some time now, Cameroon has suffered attacks from the Islamist sect Boko Haram in the far North and Central African rebel incursions in the East.

It is because of this insecurity that the 5th edition of the Cameroon national prayer breakfast (CNPB) placed emphasis on peace in Cameroon.

During the ecumenical celebration held Thursday at the Hilton hotel in Yaoundé, the president of the CNPB, the Rev. Libom li Likeng recalled that this edition is dedicated to pray for peace in Cameroon and its leaders so that Jesus Christ will continue not only to enlighten them, but also to protect the people of Cameroon in his boat. Thus, with the image of Christ and his disciples, the entire country will be spared from these multiple threats.

In this union of prayers, everyone gave thanks to the Lord for wisdom granted to the head of State, in the management of border conflicts. For this they thanked the Lord for the diligence with which president Biya leads the daily management of Cameroon.

Another prayer was also said to have the Almighty through his Holy Spirit illuminate the head of State and his Government as well as all the institutions of the Republic so that they always act in the interest of present and future generations.

Long before that, in his sermon, Bishop Léopold Sosthène Bayemi Matjei, Bishop of Obala, inspired by the Gospel of Saint Luke in Chapter 8, verse 22 to 26 highlighted the divine power in the events and other problems encountered by the man in his earthly journey.

The prelate also urged his assistance not to worry about the difficulties of life, but to approach them with joy and serenity because Christ is at the heart of our lives. Prayers were finally elevated to national unity, democracy, improving the economic performance of the country, the consolidation of peace in Cameroon and the world.

Source: Cameroon Tribune