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'A Hotel in front of our Mosque is provocative'


Sat, 21 Feb 2015 Source: Cameroon Journal

Sarki Madi Mahamat, head of the Moslem Community in Ndop, Ngoketunjia Division, is expressing strong disapproval over an ongoing construction of a hotel in front of the Central Mosque in Ndop. Sarki Madi spoke to The Cameroon Journal in Ndop, Thursday, February 19.

The Moslem leader said the construction of the hotel, which is already at its third storey, is provocative. By law, he said, there is supposed to be no construction of a hotel or opening of an off license or any other drinking spot near a mosque, a church or a school.

Sarki is vehemently demanding that the owner of the hotel stops further work on the construction and demolish the structure with immediate effect.

“An individual can’t afford to obstruct the peace and freedom of worship of a community of Moslems, by constructing a hotel near their mosque,” Sarki said. The Moslem leader noted that the Mosque has existed on that spot in Ndop, for more than 100 years. All houses and businesses in the vicinity came long after the mosque was set up on that spot.

According to Sarki, Islam, the religion of Moslems, is against adultery and fornication. He said from time immemorial, the hotel business has been seen as a promoter of adultery and fornication. To see the construction of a hotel near a mosque and keep quiet is like saying “yes” to adultery and fornication, Sarki Madi stated.

He questioned the wisdom with which powers that be permitted the construction of a hotel so close to a mosque. “Are the authorities blind? Must we complain before they see what we are seeing?” Sarki Madi questioned, frowning, and looking tensed.

Sarki then broke into a tirade – “We are a peace-loving people. There is peaceful coexistence between us and everyone living around us. We interact peacefully with all people and tribes. We do not want what is happening now to breach the peace that we have enjoyed for years.”

When, The Cameroon Journal confronted Fopa Elvis, the owner of the said building under construction, he confirmed that he was actually constructing a hotel near the mosque. “The building is a three storey hotel,” Fopa stated.

He said he’s not doing anything that is against the law. “We are duly registered with the Divisional Delegation of Tourism and Leisure, Ngoketunjia, and we have a recognized land certificate and a building permit,” Fopa stressed.

Wondering aloud why the Moslem leader is complaining, Fopa said, the house of Allah is not a business place that should be in competition with anybody. “We are on good terms with the authorities of the mosque. We even use their well to draw water when our taps run dry.” Fopa said.

“Let me assure the Moslem Community in Ndop that we have no bad intentions in constructing the hotel. Our intention is purely developmental, as we believe that there will surely come a day when some Moslems visiting Ndop will lodge in the hotel,” Fopa said.

Source: Cameroon Journal