Anglophones are in distress – Prof Nyamndi

Meeting 01

Mon, 9 Mar 2015 Source: Cameroon Journal

The national President of the Social Liberal Congress has said that Anglophones in the country are just as distressed with attacks on the country by Boko Haram as citizens East of the Mungo.

“It must be made clear that Anglophones are in distress and I speak as one of them. There is looming tragedy that needs urgent attention.” Prof. George Dobgima Nyamndi, President of the Social Liberal Congress (SLC) said to reporters in Buea on Thursday March 5, during a Press Conference.

The SLC had called the press conference to make clear its position on the happenings in the country. “It must be made clear that Anglophones are in distress… But the foreign aggression against our country is an even more urgent threat. So we must put all our energy together to save our nation from disintegration. This is the position of the Social Liberal congress. We hope it is also the position of all well-meaning Cameroonians,” the SLC president said.

According to Nyamndi, Cameroon was up until recently habitually referred to as an Island of peace. “And it was indeed one but not so anymore.” He said.

“That peace is now threatened, even subverted in a very serious manner. Whereas for over 50 years, Cameroon did not know what it meant to count the dead, in the past recent months hardly a week goes by without the civilian population of our country being attacked and killed or kidnapped. At the same time, property is looted or destroyed. The damage to our peace, security and development is immeasurable. The entire northern part of the national triangle is caught in a recurrent wave of plunder and destruction.”

The SLC boss says this disruption of activities in the Northern Regions is the work of a group of religious extremists going by the appellation Boko Haram.

“We in the Social Liberal Congress know religion to be a uniting force whose primary aim is to foster love and understanding among God’s creatures…and so we affirm our oneness with our brothers and sisters of the besieged regions and join them in grieving the loss of life and property,” he said.

The SLC sees it as a matter of exceeding pride that the Cameroonian Armed Forces are taking the fight to those people who do not wish us well. “We salute their courage, determination and patriotism. In a special way, we salute the astuteness of the Army’s commander-in-Chief, president Paul Biya, and his field commanders.”

The SLC, it should be recalled joined the CPDM majority on July 19, 2013, prior to the elections of that year. Its national president believes that being in the opposition is not a profession but rather a matter of convenience; and that whether one is in the opposition or in the ruling party, they have to be driven by the love for country.

He said in the days ahead, the SLC will be in the field to assess the situation in the northern regions and make its own contributions to the war.

Source: Cameroon Journal