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Bishops Call for Speedy and Unconditional Release of Kidnapped Missionaries

Wed, 7 May 2014 Source: Catholic Information Service for Africa

Yaounde — The catholic bishops of Cameroon have condemned the recent kidnapping of three missionaries and demanded for their immediate release.

Two Italian Fidei Donum priests, Don Gianantonio Allegri and Don Giampaolo Marta, and a Canadian religious sister Gilberte Bussier of the Congregation Sisters of Our Lady, Montreal, were kidnapped on the night of Friday, April 4.

"This is the second kidnapping of apostolic workers in Maroua-Mokolo diocese and the third time in the extreme North region after that of the Alain Fournier Family," said a statement released to the press by the Episcopal Conference of Cameroon, sent to Fides Agency.

In November 2013, Fr Georges Vandenbeusch a French Fidei Donum priest, released on New Year's day had been kidnapped in the same area.

Previously some French tourists belonging to the same family had been kidnapped and released after two months.

The bishops "strongly condemn these inadmissible attacks from extremist groups on Church officials and against all acts of violence which pose a threat to the dignity of the human person."

"In communion with Maroua-Mokolo Diocese, we also invite all Christian communities to organise prayers for the speedy and unconditional release of these kidnapped missionaries. Under such circumstances, prayers remain our unique and effective arm," the bishops concluded.

Source: Catholic Information Service for Africa