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Buea Imam addresses rising insecurities in Africa


Wed, 8 Oct 2014 Source: The Guardian Post Newspaper

The imam of the Buea central mosque, Alhadji Mohammed Aboubakar has attributed the rising insecurity in Africa to the entrenched corruption and unemployment in most African countries today.

Alhadji Mohammed was addressing muslim faithfuls and other dignitaries at the Buea central mosque on Saturday September 4, during this year’s feast of Tabaski.

According to the imam, efficient management of state resources, gainful employment for the youths and the fear of God are some of the ways of tackling today’s rising insecurity in Africa.

“The things that breed insecurity are corruption, mismanagement, injustice, division and unemployment. A hungry man is an angry man. Once a man is hungry and doesn’t have a place to satisfy his hunger, he becomes violent.

So those persons who are manning power should see it as an assignment that God has given you to cater for their subjects. The reason for the increased indulgence of our youths in of violence is because they are not trained properly either at home or in school,” the imam pointed out.

Imam Aboubakar also attributed the failures in our educational system to the lack of moral values within our academic circles.

In his address to the Muslim faithful who gathered at the mosque, the imam warned Muslim women against the adulteration of African values by western imperialists especially in their manner of dressing and for the youths to be law abiding and hardworking. “Guard your honour, protect your integrity and make yourselves worthy of Allah’s mercy”.

In the prayers that featured on the occasion, the faithfuls called on God to protect Cameroon from insecurity and inefficient management of state resources.

Reacting to the imam’s Tabaski address, the governor of the South West region Bernard Okalia Bilai reiterated the values of peace and security preached by the imam.

“What was interesting in the message was the imam’s call for peace and solidarity amongst Cameroonians no matter their religious beliefs. All Cameroonians are living in peace. That is why we have come here to show our solidarity with the muslim community.

We are pleased to have a peaceful community no matter our difference in religious beliefs. It is a blessing and we must continue to show that spirit,” Okalia said.

The ceremony which also had in attendance Christian clergymen featured the symbolic slaughtering of the sacrificial lamp.

The muslim feast of Tabaski is a day that celebrates the story of Abraham who muslims believe sacrificed a lamp in the place of his son Isaac after receiving instructions from Allah. It remains one of the most important days in the Islamic calendar.

Source: The Guardian Post Newspaper