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CBC asks God to kick-out Ebola, Boko Haram…

Bui Basic Education Delegation Fêtes Successes In Thanksgiving Mass In Church

Mon, 22 Sep 2014 Source: The Post Newspaper

The Cameroon Baptist Convention, CBC, has set aside Sunday, September 21, as a ‘National Day of Prayer’ in all her churches to eradicate Ebola, Boko Haram and other threats to peace in Cameroon.

In a press release dated September 9, signed by CBC President and General Secretary, Joseph Chebongkeng and Godwill Ncham, respectively, after their just-ended National Minister’s Fellowship in Yaounde, the following resolutions were taken:

“Considering the prevailing insecurity in the Far North Region of the country by the repeated attacks of the Boko Haram and the frantic effort of Government to stem out the activities of Boko Haram; the fear caused, which does not guarantee the required peace we need for our development; the recent civil war in the Central Africa Republic, destruction of many years of economic development, the many lives lost and people rendered homeless; the health risk provoked by the outbreak of the dreaded Ebola Virus in neighboring Nigeria and the Cholera outbreak in two of Cameroon’s three Northern Regions; the continuous drop in Government subvention to mission schools and the attendant consequence of huge debts owed by the church to teachers who have faithfully served and participated in nation building.

“We pray God almighty to protect and empower the Government in her endeavours to rid Cameroon of these insecurities and diseases.

We decry the use of religion to foment war; wanton destruction of property, killing of people and the misery all these bring to man created in God’s image as well as inhibit the development of our Region and Africa as a whole.

“We urge all Christians of the Cameroon Baptist Convention in particular and the Christian community in Cameroon as a whole to continue to pray for peace and God’s mercy on our beloved country Cameroon. We consequently set aside Sunday, September 21, 2014, as a day of prayer for the nation in all our churches.

“We implore all our pastors and Christians to put into practice the various instructions from health authorities geared at avoiding the contraction and spread of the Ebola Virus.

“We appreciate Government efforts in the provision of subventions to our schools this far and call on her to do even more by acting more promptly and regularly given the historic contributions of the Cameroon Baptist Convention to nation building through the education of the Cameroonian child”.

The CBC officials finally urged Government to recognise Religious Knowledge as a required subject in all official competitive examination, given its place in the moralisation of the Cameroonian youth.

Source: The Post Newspaper