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CBC inducts new secretary general

Wed, 12 Sep 2012 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Rev. Godwill Ncham, the new General Secretary of the Cameroon Baptist Convention, (CBC) has been inducted to take the church to new levels in winning souls for Christ. The hallmark of the induction on September 9, 2012 was summed up in his reception of the CBC Constitution for governance, the Bible and special prayers for God to shine His face on the church.

The crowd-pulling event at the Nkwen Baptist Church featured the presence of North West Governor, Adolf Lele Lafrique, the Prime Minister's wife, Linda Yang, officials of the Protestant grouping, SEPCA, representatives of sister churches and His Majesty Fon Vincent Yuh II of Kom, amongst others.

Elected on March 30, 2012 during the CBC General Session in Ndu, Donga Mantung Division of the North West Region, Godwill Ncham is the Chief Executive of the CBC that has over 100,000 members. The event also saw the re-dedication of the CBC President, Joseph Chebongkeng and Vice President, Justice Betty Luma. Drawing inspiration from Acts 20:28-31, the guest preacher, Rev. Dr. Paul Mokake, urged the new CBC leadership to be watchful and alert in promoting God's work because the devil is always around. Rev. Dr Paul Mokake stressed the need for the General Secretary to be careful of wolves who distort the truth. The CBC Director of Evangelism and Missions, Rev. Felix Fimba performed the induction rites.

In effect, a new chapter has opened for the CBC with Rev. Godwill Ncham at the helm. It is against this backdrop that he has committed to lead a living fellowship of churches growing in grace, strengthening one another in faith and working together in obedience to the commandments and the Great Commission of Jesus Christ. This is through worship, preaching, teaching, evangelism, healing and social ministries. He has elected to focus on the clarification of the gospel message and renewal, dwell on unity and reconciliation, build partnerships and economic development for sustainability, evangelism and missions.

Source: Cameroon Tribune