CMR could engage in the cultivation of GM cotton in 3 years


Sat, 1 Nov 2014 Source: Ecofin Agency

The cotton Development Corporation (Sodecoton), the flagship of agro-industry in the Cameroonian septentrion, will launch next year, the 2nd phase of the research to introduce the genetically modified cotton in Cameroon. This second phase will last three years, and could lead to the widespread implementation of GMCs in the country.

Unlike the first phase, where researches were conducted in an environment enclosed from 2012, this time, the cotton agribusiness will experiment with GMCs in the environment.

These are the main information from a workshop which was organized by the Sodecoton, from 23rd to 24th October 2014 in Garoua, in order to implement results of the first phase of research on the introduction of GMCs in the cultivation of cotton in Cameroon.

Although the first results incite optimism, the DG of Sodecoton, Abdou Namba, is cautious. "We are still far from the phase of extension. The Government, through the Act governing the area, is still cautious on this process.

Experimentation is still ongoing, to ensure that it is adapting to the environment well, and to be sure it is safe for other varieties of cotton," he said.

Currently, Sodecoton produces annually around 230,000 tonnes of cotton, and plans to increase this amount, through the introduction of GMCs.

Source: Ecofin Agency