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CUIB staff joins Buea congregation for Chrism Mass

Catholic Church

Sat, 28 Mar 2015 Source: CUIB

Some faculty and staff of CUIB joined the congregation of Buea Diocese to celebrate Chrism mass at the Regina Pacis Cathedral, Small Soppo, Buea on March 26.

The mass meant for priests to renew their priestly vows and being poor, chaste and obedient to God, brought together all priests of the Diocese.

In his homily, His Lordship Immanuel B. Bushu, Bishop of the Diocese of Buea and Chancellor of the Catholic University Institute of Buea called on priests of the Diocese to uphold their vows as they proclaim the word of God.

He appealed to the priests to pray often and remain steadfast to God and his work. He went on to call on Christians who came from far and wide to pray for priests to be pious and devoted to the profession.

According to Fr. Cajetan Ejolle Parish priest of the Corpus Christi parish, the renewal of vows, made him feel new and devoted.

The holy celebration witnessed a special offering procession by Christians of the different deaneries of the Diocese of Buea including the faculty and staff from CUIB.

The celebration of Chrism takes place once every year the world over on Holy Thursday, the day Jesus Christ is believed to have instituted priesthood.

Source: CUIB