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Challenges of female teachers

Wed, 13 Mar 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

VSO Cameroon in a research finding has published their ordeals with possible recommendations.

To mark this year's International Women's Day, the British High Commission and Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) Cameroon, has published a research findings which draws lessons about the challenges of teachers and managers delivering education services. The study reveals that men outnumber women in primary and secondary teaching and that female teachers face particular obstacles to advancement and promotion. A panel discussion to launch the findings and share the recommendations with stakeholders took place at the residence of the British High Commission in Yaounde last Friday, March 8th.

The research, carried out by VSO Cameroon and the Forum for African Women Educationalists Cameroon (FAWECAM), was carried out in the North-West, Centre, East and Far North Regions. It indicated that there has been progress in gender parity in school enrolment, retention and progression, but that significant policy efforts are needed to achieve equality in educational opportunities and outcomes for girls and boys. The research noted that no policies identify specific strategies or targets for the recruitment of female teachers and that the proportion of female teachers is particularly low in priority education zones where gender disparities in education are most pronounced, in spite of government's efforts to deploy female teachers to these zones.

Furthermore, it was revealed that female teachers face particular challenges in balancing their professional roles with household responsibilities as well as maternity related challenges. Other gender-related issues such as gender-based violence significantly impact teaching performance and professional experiences in the rural zone particularly with female teachers who significantly face housing problems, isolation and sexual harassment. The research finding also indicated that female teachers face particular obstacles to advancement, promotion and also barriers to attaining necessary professional training.

During discussions, it was stressed that inconsistent and incomplete understandings of gender equality amongst teachers and education managers limit analyses of and responses to gender inequalities and that cultural factors that impact teaching and education management are not addressed in education policies. The researchers said recommendations emerging from the research aim to inform gender-responsive policies and practices in primary and secondary education.

Source: Cameroon Tribune