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Christians Celebrate Presbyterian Church Day

Wed, 13 Nov 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Presbyterians in Cameroon celebrated the 56th anniversary of the church on November 10, 2013.

The 56th edition of the Presbyterian Church Day in Cameroon was celebrated at the PC Bastos church in Yaounde on Sunday, November 10, 2013. As early as 9:00 am,Presbyterian Christians from across the country thronged the church premises to take part in the anniversary celebrations.

In his sermon, the Parish Pastor of the PC Bastos, Rev. Samuel Fonki called on Presbyterian Christians not to fear for God cares. Drawing from the book of Saint Luke 12: 1a 4-9 in the Holy Bible, Rev. Fonki said the world is full of catastrophes, wars, violence and crime, among other ills.

He said in the midst of all these mishaps, Jesus enjoined his disciples not to fear. "Fear is that monster that hampers our hopes and desires," he said. He called on Christians to be committed in evangelisation and that as ambassadors of Christ, they should share the light of Jesus Christ in the darkest extent of this dying world.

In his message to the Christians, the Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon, Rt. Rev. Dr. Festus A. Asana said God's mercy to humanity abounds. He said no matter the difficulties they face as Christians, they should be committed to evangelisation so that what they do should be for the good of the church and the nation.

"When we are face to face with challenges, let us with confidence in God's promises, cry to God: LORD, have mercy," he advised. The day was marked by a series of activities such as cutting of the anniversary cake, Bible study, general knowledge quiz, ballet, sports competitions, dressing competition, traditional dance, refreshments and general animation.

Source: Cameroon Tribune