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Church members protest pastor’s transfer at Ntanfoang

Bali Presbytery

Tue, 2 Jun 2015 Source:

Some Church members of the PC Ntanfoang Bali have expressed their discontentment following the transfer of their parish pastor the Rev. Titatang Kingsley who is also the presbytery secretary.

Joined by Christians from other congregations on Monday evening June 1, 2015, they stormed the PC Ntanfoang church premises and the Main Square at Ntanfoang.

They accused the congregational chairman Forjei George and presbytery chairman, Taphrey Patrick for instigating his transfer through several petitions written to the church hierarchy. It took the intervention of the police to disperse the irate church members.

Members testified that Rev. Titatang who headed the Bali church for less than a year has brought tremendous changes to the church. He is said to have not only completed the Centenary hall which had been abandoned for sometime but also attracted more Christians to church. His Sunday newsletter initiative goes to assist widows and orphans in the congregation, increase church revenue and attracted foreign aid to help fund projects.

Rev. Titatang who is presently out of the country is amongst several pastors that have been transferred, appointed or send on study leave by the new church administration. The changes were announced in various churches on Sunday May 31, 2015.
