District Chairman, Ataba, handed vote-of-no-confidence

SDF Muyuka

Thu, 13 Nov 2014 Source: The Sun Newspaper

Internal strife, clash of interest and fissions within the Social Democratic Front (SDF) party has let to militants passing a vote-of-no-confidence on the Muyuka Electoral District Chairman, Barrister Peter Nankwah Ataba.

Ataba was voted out during an Electoral District Conference of October 25 at the Muyuka Cooperative Hall. During the votes supervised by the South West Regional Chairman of the SDF, George Ngeke Likiye, over 150 delegates at the conference voted for Ataba’s ousting, while about 50 wanted him to stay on.

Elections were thus conducted to replace Ataba and was won by Philip Ndoke. Ndoke was ward chairman and coordinator of Muyuka Central SDF Zone before his election.

Since losing to the CPDM during the September 30, 2013 twin elections, the party has seen no peace, as some militants accuse Barrister Ataba of being responsible for the party’s dwindling fortunes.

Philip Ndoke hold that: “The problem in Muyuka is that for the past 12 years since Barrister Ataba became District Chairman, we’ve lost all elections under his regime except the 2011 Presidential elections.

So, the ward chairmen sat and put up a motion of no-confidence against him. 29 ward chairmen signed the motion and we copied the party hierarchy.”

He said they went to Bamenda and met with SDF National Chairman, John Fru Ndi. He advised them to come back to the region. Ndoke said they met with Ferdinand Asapngu, National Organising Secretary of the SDF who ordered George Likiye, South West SDF Chairman to instruct Ataba to convene a conference of the party in Muyuka.

Ataba ignored the calls and Likiye went ahead to convene a conference for May 10. Ataba is reported to have advised militants not to attend the meeting, reason why a quorum was not formed.

The October 25 meeting however attained a quorum and Ataba was shown the way out. With a 16-points memo against Ataba, allegedly signed by 29 ward chairmen, accuse him of single-handedly picking SDF candidates for the council elections, among them, five CPDM militants and some unpopular candidates.

“Militants of the CPDM resigned on the eve of the elections and were put on our list. Ataba sat alone in his house and came up with the list. We failed because we had a weak list. We want Ataba to step-down for us to put a new bureau. We can’t wait for his mandate to expire. We don’t need him as District Chairman,” Ndoke had told The SUN prior to the October 25 vote.

Meantime, Barrister Ataba had described the 16-points written against him as baseless. He said he has requested that a commission of inquiry be sent to Muyuka to investigate the matter. He argues that chairmen were deceived to sign the motion of no confidence against him.

Ataba says he will not resign as District Chairman until his mandate ends sometime next year. “I maintain a very cool head. I’ve asked the party to come and investigate. If I’m found guilty, then I’ll step down. I’ve petitioned the party hierarchy.”

But after his ousting, Ataba has refused to make any comments, despite all attempts by The SUN to have him comment. We wanted him to react to allegations that he ran the SDF like his private business among other allegations.

Ndoke has in the meantime announced an enlarged SDF meeting in Muyuka which he says will help to reconcile warring factions. He has also promised to work towards an SDF victory in Muyuka during the 2018 multiple elections.

Source: The Sun Newspaper