Douala residents sensitized on water treatment


Mon, 23 Mar 2015 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Water purification was again brought in the spotlight of activities to mark the World Water Week.

prominent among the problems in Douala is the non-availability of potable drinking water. Yet with the very abundant water in the Littoral Region, simple treatment methods are often neglected; reason why some stakeholders in Douala highlighted the use of filtration, treatment and basic hygiene in the use of water.

The Littoral Regional Delegation of Water and Energy with some associations held a sensitization session with some academic establishments at the Akwa, Douala.

The Head of Legal Affairs Division and Administration who presided over the sensitisation and awareness-raising session urged students, in particular, and the general population of the Region, to follow hygienic and safe methods of treating water before consumption.

She called on all to use chloride solution, which is affordable, as prescribed to render water potable.

Fondo Numfor Abongshiy, Regional Chief of Service for Water at the Littoral Regional Delegation of Water and Energy, said the main purpose of the various activities carried out throughout the Water Week was to sensitise the population to know how to manage their water infrastructures.

The Regional Delegation and other stakeholders visited the Nestlé water treatment plant in Bonaberi, where they were abreast with latest and improved method of water purification.

During the session, prizes such as books, among others, were given to students from Lycée bilingue de New Bell and the Institut d’enseignement secondaire bilingue de Bonadjinde.

The beneficiaries also received money from the Regional Delegation and a local association called Culture & Peace.

Source: Cameroon Tribune