David Mayebi accused of embezzlement, declared persona non grata

David Mayebi

Fri, 3 Oct 2014 Source: Le Messager

David Mayébi became persona non grata in a decision from the Cameroonian King sport circles.

Rejected by the majority of old glories of Cameroonian football who accuse him of misuse of funds of the Association of Cameroonian footballers (Afc) which later became the national Union of Cameroonian footballers (Synafoc), David Mayebi has also been sidelined by the Committee for Standardization of the Fecafoot.

The association he led for 18 years has been ruled out of the register of associations of players likely to represent these latest at Fecafoot. "Because of his status of trade unions, the Synafoc cannot lay claim to a place at Fecafoot" explains the Professor Minkoa She Adolphe, Member of the standards Committee and Chairman of the Committee on revision of the texts of the Fecafoot.

Afc which had a seat at Fecafoot was transformed into a Union and has the approval of the Ministry of labour, a mutation that could now complicate the admission of the Synafoc within the federation. Anyway, the admission or not of Synafoc at Fecafoot is a decision of the Committee of standardization" revealed, Roko Tombi, the Secretary General of the Fecafoot.

The Committee for Standardization however declared Synafoc out of the race. "This decision is unfair. Synafoc is the only group of footballers recognized in Cameroon by the Fifpros, CAF and FIFA. We are going to challenge this exclusion at the court' David Mayébi reacted.

Pending the outcome of this case, three associations namely the UFC (Union of Cameroonian footballers chaired by Nicolas Dikoumé), NWAC (the Association of footballers fans of Cameroon led by Nya Bernard) and the RfC (rally of Cameroonian footballers Chaired by Emmanuel Maboang Kessak) are fighting over the succession of the AFC in the General Assembly of the Fecafoot.

Faced with this leadership war, the Committee for Standardization of Fecafoot said that it will conduct a call for bid to choose the new association which will now defend the interests of footballers playing in Cameroon. A choice that will be known before November 05, 2014, deadline set to different trade bodies to advise their representative to the next elective General Assembly at Fecafoot.

Source: Le Messager