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First couple sends message of comfort to displaced persons


Tue, 9 Sep 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Food and sleeping equipment were sent to Mayo-Sava and Logone-and-Chari.

At the Compound of école publique du sultanat de Mora, thousands of displaced persons and refugees gathered to follow the message of the head of State brought to them by Midjiyawa Bakari, the Governor of the far North region.

They all came from Banki, Poulka and Kirawa in Nigeria, Kerawa, Greya and Kolofata in Cameroon.

The excitement expressed by Amada Boukar Kerawa radiated on any assistance This community leader Kerawa struggling to contain his tears, he revealed that he came here without women, nor children ten days ago. "I do not know what became of my wife and my children."Lack of motorbikes and cars, he says, we arrived at Mora on foot, most were deprived of all their possessions” The locality of Kirawa is emptied of its whole population.

Frightened by the attacks of the terrorist sect Boko Haram and invaded daily by their neighbours of Kirawa in Nigeria, the inhabitants of the Cameroonian land leaned on the border with Nigeria took the path of the exodus.

At Kolofata, second site grouping of refugees and displaced persons, the situation is more worrying. Stationed at Ecole publique groupe I, these men, women and children estimated at more than 20,000 people, live dramatic moments. Exposed to weather and diseases of all kinds, most have no idea of their final destinations. UNHCR trucks perform several rotations for Nigerian refugees in the Minaowaou camp, in Mayo-Tsanaga Department.

The presidential couple is sensitive to the suffering of these people The president of the Republic and the first lady dispatched Saturday to these victims of the atrocities of the terrorist sect Boko Haram the Governor of the far north region to convey their message of compassion, comfort and solidarity and give them food and sleeping equipment.

At Mora and Kolofata, bags of rice, sugar, oil table and Soap, mats, blankets, pallets of water and hygiene kits were presented by Midjiyawa Bakari on behalf of the presidential couple. The beneficiaries through their representatives expressed their deep gratitude to the Paul and Chantal Biya.

For the Governor, Cameroon has ratified the Geneva conventions and their additional protocols will continue to meet its obligations with respect to the home, protection and assistance to victims of armed conflict on its territory.

The provisions, he says, are taken by administrative authorities and defence forces to ensure an adequate framework to all these collateral victims of the deadly attacks of the Boko Haram sect. "the camp in Minawaou with a capacity of 40,000 people hosts for the moment that less than 10,000 people", he continues.

In return, recommends Midjiyawa Bakari, "you must respect the laws and regulations of the country that welcomes you. You must observe the basic rules of hygiene to prevent diseases such as cholera and Ebola haemorrhagic fever from spreading among you" said the Governor.

In the Logone and Chari, the message and the help of the presidential couple was presented to refugees and victims of the Boko Haram sect by the prefect Albert Mekondane Obounou.

Source: Cameroon Tribune