The closure of the borders with Nigeria and Boko Haram attacks led to a lack of fuel in the North.
Finding the "zoua zoua", since a few days in Garoua, is not easy. The shortage started Monday 20 October 2014, resulting in a constant change in its price on the local market.
A litre which cost until the end of the month of September 450 CFA francs, rose to 600 CFA francs before returning to 550 Fcfa. After investigation, it appears that the shortage of the "zoua zoua" which comes mainly from Nigeria is a consequence of the closing the borders with the great neighbour.
This measure contributed to a drought of fuel in the region of the far North, requiring all consumers in this region to buy at Garoua. "Through the closing of the borders with Nigeria added to the situation of insecurity that prevails in the far North, all those who carried out this activity in this region turned to Garoua. And when they arrive, they buy in large quantities", explains Mark, wholesaler of "zoua zoua" in Garoua.
He also recognized that the high demand coming from the far North, is not the sole cause of the shortage of the "zoua zoua" in Garoua. The northern region also suffers from the consequences of the closure of the borders decided by the Government due to the presence of Ebola in neighboring Nigeria.
"Before the closure of the border, we bought fuel from Nigeria in large quantities. But since Cameroon decided to close its border, the quantities entering must feed two regions: North and far North", explains another wholesaler.
The increase in the price per litre of "zoua zoua", which rose to 600 CFA francs before being reduced to 550 Fcfa has convinced some motorists to use those at service stations. On the ground, contraband fuel dispensers reflect on ways and means of circumvention for sourcing.
"The border is wide. We cannot continue to stay on site and wait, especially as we depend on this trade for survival, it is our only source of income. And this activity is a source of employment to many unemployed youth of the area. And if we are deprived of this product, it will be difficult for many young people to have what to eat" supported Mohama, a young salesman of "zoua zoua" in Garoua.
Officially, the distribution and consumption of "zoua zoua" is prohibited in Cameroonian territory. But around this product are a large elusive network.
Large quantities of this product arrive every day in our country through various points, gendarmeries and customs barriers without having any checks from the authority concerned.