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Govt for Egypt's Quick Return to Normalcy

Mon, 26 Aug 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The government of Cameroon is concerned about the situation in Egypt and would want to see a quick return to normalcy among the country's political class. Speaking on Friday August 23, 2013 at a State dinner organised on behalf of President Paul Biya for the outgoing Egyptian Ambassador, Ibrahim Moustafa Hafez, at the Yaounde Mont Febe Hotel, the Minister of External Relations, Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo, expressed government's solidarity with Egypt for the difficult moments the country is going through. The Ambassador was earlier in the day received in audience at the Ministry of External Relations by Minister Mbonjo.

Prof. Mbonjo said it was Cameroon's deepest wish that Egypt regains stability soon in order to retake its rightful place in the African Union and other international organizations. He listed the achievements of Ambassador Hafez's four-year tenure as including the training of many Cameroonians through scholarships and short courses, offer of Arab language teachers and lecturers, relaunch of the activities of the Joint Commission and the setting up of an office in the country by the Arab Contractors construction company.

Responding, Ambassador Hafez described relations between Cameroon and Egypt as a model of South-South and intra-African cooperation. He recalled how his stay in the country was marked by eventful happenings back home such as the January 25, 2012 revolution and the June 30, 2013 ousting of President Mohamed Mursi following another popular uprising. He announced that a new roadmap for the country was now on course with a constitutional referendum expected in 60 days. The Egyptian diplomat noted that in spite of the challenges at home, an Egyptian ward was created at the Yaounde Central Hospital for the treatment of respiratory diseases. The Minister later decorated him with the medal of the Grand Officer of the National Order of Valour.

Source: Cameroon Tribune