Under the tutelage of the prefect of the Benue, a campaign against contraband fuel has been launched. Hence, it has now become uncommon to find "Zoua-zoua" at the roadside these days in Garoua.
This adulterated fuel, once widely available is now rare in urban centers. Now, a litre of "Zoua zoua" has moved from 350F to 450F. This is due to the new campaign launched by the police enforcement agents against the vendors of the "Zoua zoua", installed along streets.
Indeed, in a statement published on the antennas of local radio stations in the North, the delegate of the Government in the urban community of Garoua Ahmadou Elhadj bode, invited all the sellers and owners of "Zoua zoua" to release the public highway with immediate effect.
This measure goes in line with an extensive sanitation program by local authorities of the town of Garoua. It is within this framework that the prefect of the Department of the Benue, Mamoudou Haman brought together all economic operators in the sector, all administrative authorities to come up with a measure of prohibition of sale and marketing of the "zoua Zoua" throughout the Department.
"The operation will extend over a long period, and the police as well as the Customs will continue to hunt down the smugglers at border level", assured the prefect of the Benue River.