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Guidelines On Voting Operations

Fri, 27 Sep 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

As voters go to the polls on Monday September 30, 2013 to vote the country's 180 Members of the National Assembly and councillors into the 360 councils, they must know what the law says about the polling procedures.

Required Documents

Section 103 of the Electoral Code provides that, "On entering the polling station, the elector shall produce their voter's cards. They shall also prove their identity by producing their national identity card." However, "The Local Polling Commission may allow any elector registered in the polling station whom, for one reason or the other, may be unable to produce their voter's card. The Commission shall first check the elector's identity as provided for in the law."

How to Vote

Section 104 (1) of the Electoral Code specifies that, "After having been identified, every elector shall themselves take an envelope and each of the ballot papers placed at their disposal, and compulsorily enter the polling booth where they shall make their choice."

After coming out of the polling booth and after satisfying the Commission that they hold a single envelope only, the elector shall place such an envelope in the ballot box.

Electors with Infirmities

The Electoral Code in Section 105 (1) provides that, "Any elector suffering an infirmity or whose physical state makes them unable to carry out on their own, any of the operations, may enlist the assistance of an elector of their choice". In specific terms, "The elector chosen must be registered on the electoral register of the polling station concerned and shall not be a candidate or representative of a candidate, list of candidates or political party. They may not assist more than one elector on polling day."

Evidence of Voting

Section 106 (1) of the Electoral Code states that, " The fact that an elector has voted shall be evidenced by affixing the elector's signature and finger print using indelible ink on the relevant column of the electoral register". In Subsection 2, " Where the elector is unable to sign, the fact that such elector has voted shall be evidenced by affixing the elector's finger print using indelible ink on the relevant column of the electoral register."

Polling Deadline

The Electoral Code in Section 108 states that, "Once the time set for the close of the polls is up, the Chairperson of the Local Polling Commission shall declare the close of the polls. No elector who arrives after the close of polls may be allowed to vote." The exception is contained in Subsection 3 which states that, "Any elector who at the time of closing the polls is within the premises of the polling station or who has been waiting to enter the polling station shall be allowed to vote. The report of the Commission shall mention the time when voting actually ended."

Source: Cameroon Tribune