An international forum relating to the stakes and challenges of Hospital institution was held on Wednesday in Yaounde. "Which prospects for the hospital for tomorrow by 2035?" was the theme of the very first international Health forum in Cameroon.
The context underlined better, the problems raised by the forum: a context of resurgence of endemic diseases, such as the AIDS, cancer and Ebola hemorrhagic fever, in an economic situation where, in spite of the engaged hospital reforms, the care remains inaccessible to a good part of the population. Moreover, the personnel were less motivated.
During the protocolar opening ceremony, a sociologist, Armand Essomba of the University of Yaounde I, tried to point out the hospital situation yesterday and that of today so that the congressmen could conceive it better tomorrow.
At the origin, the hospital did not have any direct relationship with health, but more with Christian charity. It was an ecclesiastical establishment where the monasteries registered their poor which flowed to receive incomes and help.
With the urbanization of XVI century, the hospital covered other concepts: establishment of teaching and studies of medicine, institution of administration of the care where the relationship with the life or death is tied. In this direction, the statistics do not reassure in Africa where the life expectancy is weaker.
From the point of view of the emergence of Cameroon by 2035, the forum of Yaounde is a platform of reflexion to discuss the problems and stakes which covers the health system in order to lead to proposals likely to allow, the access of care to the greatest number of the population.
The forum which opened at the Congress Hall is "an interpellation of all the professionals in hospital to device or medical care to the public", underlined André Mama Fouda.