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Jacques Ndongo declares Cambridge Int. College "illegal"

Prof. Fame Ndongo

Sun, 28 Sep 2014 Source:

...The establishment authorized in Cameroon since the end of the 1990s is ordered to comply with law No. 005 of 16 April 2001.

In a statement signed on September 15, 2014, Jacques Fame Ndongo objected to an advertisement in the daily public September 9, 2014. The semiology specialist and University Professor wrote that "the institution called Cambridge international college and its dismemberments are not recognized as private Cameroon tertiary institutes. The Minister warned the students. "Any student that would fit into one of the programs of these institutions do so at his own risk.

"The diplomas and other certificates y issued are not being recognized by the Ministry of higher education ', he added. The authorities of the institutes of Cambridge international college are invited to put immediately an end to their "illegal" activities to comply with law No. 005 of 16 April 2001 on the orientation of higher education.

The reaction of the Pr Fame Ndongo may surprise those who visit the Web site of the Cambridge international college. By visiting the page devoted to the institutions created in Cameroon, one learns that the first campus was opened in Douala in 1997 with the approval and blessing of the Secretary of State for education, the Minister of higher education of the time (Joseph Yunga Teghen and Jean-Marie Atangana Mebara) and ex-Governor of the Littoral, Ferdinand Koungou Edima. At the time of the writing of this article, about 200 students had received their graduation diplomas.

It seems that the situation has changed as evidenced by the injunction of the Minister Fame Ndongo. Since July 29, 2014, Cameroon tribune journalist ordered the closure of the Cambridge international college.
