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Journalists Trained On Election Covering Skills

Fri, 27 Sep 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

They are expected to be responsible, objective and provide independent and diverse views.

Journalists who are members of the Network of Journalists Friends of Human Rights and Freedoms, will cover the September 30, 2013 twin legislative and municipal elections armed with skills on elections coverage, their responsibility during the electoral period and mastery of sections of the Electoral Code that govern the two elections.

The journalists were trained at the Yaounde headquarters of the National Commission on Human Rights and Freedoms on September 26 during a workshop organized on the theme, "Human rights on voting and reporting in the electoral period." The Vice President of the National Communication Council and veteran journalist, Peter Essoka in a presentation on "The role of the media during an election period: the Case of Cameroon," prescribed the respect of professional ethics and responsibility of good journalism.

He centred on media coverage and ethics, insisting on values such as fairness, balance, challenge of opinions with facts, respect of professional secrecy with regards to sources of information. Mr Essoka enjoined the journalists to go beyond the traditional role of informing, educating and entertaining. They have to provide platforms for political parties to expound their policies, monitor electoral process, play watchdog role, educate voters, provide space for other players and civic education. He advised journalists to maintain objectivity and abide by the Electoral Law.

Other topics discussed were generalities on the right to vote presented by Eva Etongue Mayer épse Elangue, Head of Division for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights in the Commission and also taking into account human rights in reporting during the electoral period. The journalists were distributed bilingual copies of the Handbook for Journalists during Elections produced by the National Communication Council.

Source: Cameroon Tribune