Keeping Kids Warm Against Cold

Mon, 10 Sep 2012 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Most parents dress their kids with pullover when sending them to school.

Preventing children from catching a cold seems to be an on-going task for many parents. This is very pertinent especially when the kids start going to school without the constant supervision of a guardian. As the new school year begins, children go to school, returning in the evening with their artwork, stories about their day and possibly a few germs and viruses to share with the family which could result to a cold, cough or catarrh. Preventing such common illnesses amongst school kids is the interest of CT.

It is never too early to worry about your child picking up germs in school, says the director of l'Ecole publique du Centre administratif, Groupe II, Philoméne Zibi. "In fact, the first day of school they can catch a cold", she noted. While adding that this is probably because of the manner some of them usually cry when they are brought to school or play around with friends. This is why at L'Ecole publique du Centre administratif, Groupe II, the administration has taken time to sensitise children on the regular washing of their hands after playing, using the toilet or eating. Philoméne Zibi said this is to avoid major pandemics such as cholera as well as minor illnesses such as common cold and a catarrh.

Because sicknesses are ubiquitous among the playground, parents sending their children to school typically do not have the luxury of keeping them out of such grounds. Instead of ensuring that children keep away from playground, paediatricians say there are better ways to solve the germ problem than keeping children in a bubble. Parents are told that the best cold cure and prevention is to boost the immune system. This is why parents are advised to give quality multi vitamin and mineral to their children to avoid frequent cold, flu and even tiredness which are usually signs that the immune system is weak.

While most parents such as Rose M. ensure that children are warmly dressed with a pullover before going to school, health experts say parents as well as teachers should advise their kids to stay away from those who have a cold because when they sneeze, the cold virus can travel through the air and affect them. Parents are also encouraged to give a rich diet in fresh fruits and vegetables for dieticians say they are rich source if immune boosting nutrients.

Source: Cameroon Tribune