Kumba City Council fine-tunes revenue collection strategies


Sat, 26 Jul 2014 Source: The Sun Newspaper

The new Municipal Treasurer for the Kumba City Council and his assistant, Adong Henry and Elinge Ngomba respectively, are currently fine-tuning strategies for collecting revenue meant for the development of the area.

During the last council session aimed at examining the 2013 Administrative, Management and Stores Accounts, the Government Delegate told the Press that the council has nothing in their coffers while council revenue collectors fed themselves with fat money meant for the council; reason why the council coffers is dwindling on a daily basis.

Talking to The SUN on Friday July 18 the Municipal Treasurer disclosed that the revenue sector in the council is a sad one as all money collected is being diverted elsewhere, and that while some were accounted for, no explanation could be given for the embezzled amount.

The treasurer alongside his assistant hinted that, much has been achieved and that there is every indication that things will change soon. They disclosed that revenue sources which include, the transport and circulation department, council property such as the Banquet Hall, City Council hall Amusement Park and the markets etc, have already been identified as revenue sources for the council.

They observed that they have already rounded up with the evaluation of all the Stalls in the Kumba main and Fiango markets, which are the main sources of council revenue and it will henceforth be handles well.

Adong Henry maintained that there is perfect coordination now in the collection of revenue and accountability done daily unlike in the past. The Municipal Treasurer opined that for now, they are still considering reconstructing the sector and that it’s too early to give them a pass mark, for they will comfortably be evaluated by 2015

Circulation chief fired The cleansing of the revenue collection department headed by the Municipal Treasurer has already paid off with the firing of the Kumba City Council Chief of Service in charge of Transport and Circulation, EdiageAlian.

The Municipal Treasurer hinted that in their fact-finding mission, they realised that, Ediage Alian is alleged to be keeping fake council tickets Committee Managerial faults with the treasury receipts better known in French as quittance, which has caused loss of millions.

To solve the situation, Adong Henry opined that the said chief of service has been relieved of his functions and in the days ahead the disciplinary committee of the council shall meet to take a decision on the matter, whether to send him to the trial courts for embezzlement or rather cause him to continue work and his salary deducted monthly to pay off debt.

However, Ediage Alian confirmed to this reporter that, he has been relief of his functions and will equally be answering questions from the city council disciplinary committee on the allegation levied on him. He rejected all the allegations and said his hands are clean, but maintained that it’s all about sabotage from his enemies in the house ‘the city council is a very complex place to work and if you aren’t working you can’t understand what is going on’, he told The SUN.

Source: The Sun Newspaper