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Lack of sponsorship has hindered my project - Miss Red Cross

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Mon, 15 Sep 2014 Source: The Post Newspaper

The winner of the beauty pageant organised by the Youth wing of the Cameroon Red Cross, Diana Mfondoum Monjap, says lack of sponsorship for her projects is a major setback in the pursuit of her vision geared towards helping the underprivileged and promoting the female sex.

She made this remark on September 5, during a ceremony to mark the celebration of the World Charity Day 2014. Monjap intimated that it has not been easy to get sponsors for her projects; because people nowadays are very skeptical about giving out their money.

The ambassador of goodwill sees it as a lack of trust on the part of the sponsors. “When they see a youngster, they just feel that he or she wants to meet up with their personal needs. I simply believe that some of us are paying for the sins of others who had ventured on this path earlier,” she went ahead to add.

She said she remains passionate about fulfilling her dreams and seeing the fruition of some projects she has nurtured over the years. Some of them include; providing children in remote areas with access to education, healthcare for the needy and promotion of the girl child in the West and Northern regions.

Monjap noted that in the Bamum community from where she hails, most girls are not allowed to go to school and are usually married off early.

This was the motivation behind the drafting of her main project which is to encourage Bamum girl children and others nationwide to go to school and make them see the importance of education in the development of one’s community.

As a word of encouragement to the youth, Monjap urged them to trust in God and in themselves, and never be ashamed of doing something for the good of their community.

It is worthy of note that Diana Mfondoum is a Medical Doctor in training and she believes that through her profession she can continue to reach out and help people in need.

Source: The Post Newspaper