Man sets family compound ablaze over FCFA 10,000

Fire In Douala House on fire

Wed, 6 Jul 2016 Source: The Post Newspaper

A man whose name The Post got as Valentine, recently set their seven room blank building ablaze at Meta Quarters in Kumba over the refusal of his relatives to give him FCFA 10.000.

Valentine requested the money from his Bush Faller brother and mother, but the duo refused to given him the money.

Valentine reportedly went ranting all over the yard recalling how family properties were sold to send his brother abroad.He swore to put an end to what he termed 'nonsense'.

Despite the threats he made to set the house ablaze, his relatives were unperturbed.Valentine left the house and resurfaceda few minutes with petrol and sprinkled it in all the rooms of the compound including his.

Before his mother could subvert the action, Valentine stroke the match and the entire compound was engulfed by fire.

The intervention of the army rescue unit to arrest the incident was a little late as the entire building was already immersed in flames.

Another Youngster Takes The Queue

The next day, another youngster whose names we got only as Yvan also set their family compound ablaze over financial demands.

Reports hold that but for the intervention of the Army Rescue Unit, the disaster would have matched that of Meta Quarters. Public reaction to the separate incidents, point to the rising drug addiction among youths in Kumba.

Source: The Post Newspaper