Manaouda malachie takes office as SG of minee

Tue, 25 Sep 2012 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The newly-appointed Secretary General of the Ministry of Water Resources and Energy, Manaouda Malachie, has officially taken up duty and will have as challenge to work towards attaining the ministry's roadmap of ensuring quality and quantity water and energy supply in the country. Installing the SG yesterday, September 20, the Minister, Dr. Basile Atangana Kouna, urged him to work tirelessly and selflessly so that together they can meet objectives of the ministry contained in the Growth and Employment Strategy Paper and which also constitute integral parts of the Head of State's Greater Accomplishment Programme.

"The putting in place of a 100 MW thermal plant to curb the energy deficit in the southern grid, completion of construction work on the 216 MW Kribi Gas Fired Plant as well as other giant energy projects like Lom-Pangar, Memve'ele, Mekin, Warak and Menchum, pursuing the rural electrification programme as well as boosting water and petroleum supply in the country should be your focus," the Minister said.

Dr. Atangana Kouna also paid gluing tribune to the outgone SG, Nasako Fritz Gerald, who served as SG in the Ministry for over nine years and who moves to the Ministry of State Property and Land Tenure in the same capacity.

Source: Cameroon Tribune