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Mbouda Council Executive Installed

Wed, 18 Dec 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Newly installed Mayor of Mbouda Council and his four deputies, Dr. Ngoulla Kenlac Roger have been told to engage in all forms of collective actions by respecting the roles and regulations laid down by the text governing councils so as to meet the aspirations of the people.

This appeal was made by the SDO for Bamboutos Division, Songo Pierre Rene, on November 9, 2013 while installing Dr. Ngoulla Kenlac Roger, Wadji, Fokoung Thomas,Tchio Kuignon Jean and Mme Tezem Kuete Yvonne as mayor and deputy mayors in that order. Outlining the important role the council executive is expected to play fin the wellbeing of its urban and rural population, the SDO called on the new team to mobilize the necessary resources to promote socio-economic development for the wellbeing of the population.

He called on the new Mayor to put in place policies that will bring continuity and progress in Mbouda Council. Mr. Songo Pierre Rene went as far as reminding the Mayor of his increasing task following the recent transfer of competence to local authorities like him, (mayor), warning that he must apply a lot of stringency in the management of these resources expected to be placed at his disposal. Other areas concerned are hygiene and sanitation, rehabilitation of earth roads, organizing the clandestine transport sector, the supply of water and electricity to rural areas.

Talking to the press shortly after his installation, a more confident Mayor Ngoulla Kenlac Roger said the best is still in the bag, and before his five years mandate ends, he must have emptied the content of the bag for the benefit of everyone. He said one of his priorities will be the employment of youths. One thing is certain that the quality of personalities at that ceremony indicated that Mayor Ngoulla has people who can help him in contributing good ideas for success.

The installation was attended amongst many personalities by Mrs Niat, Senate President's wife, former ministers Francois Xavier Ngoubeyou and Benjamin Etoe, and former Governor Fai Yongo Francis.

Source: Cameroon Tribune