Medical Training - Selected Institutions Showcase Ability

Tue, 6 Aug 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Judging by their infrastructure, teaching staff and options, the six medical schools are ready.

Medical Faculties and Health Science Institutes in four State Universities and two private institutions have been selected to train medical doctors as from 2013-2014 academic year. The decision taken recently by the National Commission for Training in Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry distributes 800 prospective students who will be selected after a common entrance examination scheduled for 2nd to 4th October, 2013.

University of Yaounde 1

The Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences (FMBS) which boasts of its 43-year experience in training medical doctors is ready. According the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. Côme Ebana Mvogo, the institution has enough infrastructures to welcome the 130 students for medicine, 30 students in pharmacy and 100 students in Dentistry. Two Amphitheatres have 300 and 350 sitting capacities, respectively, while a third is under construction. Two other small Amphitheatres that sit 100 students also exist alongside 12 new classrooms of 80 places each. To dish lessons, FMBS has a staff strength of 166 permanent lecturers, over 100 temporary staff as well as a dozen foreign visiting lecturers. General medicine, pharmaceutical sciences, oral health medicine, biomedical and medico-sanitary studies as well as a specialisation cycle options are available.

University of Douala

The university's Faculty of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences (FMPS) was created in 2006 and sent out its first batch of 79 medical doctors on July 2013. 86 lecturers dispense medical knowhow in Medicine and Pharmacy. Hence, for the 2013-2014 academic year, it will host 100 students in medicine and 60 students in Pharmacy.

University of Bamenda

Just two years old, the University of Bamenda is scheduled to host 60 medical students next academic year for training in its Faculty of Health Sciences. In terms of infrastructure, the Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tafah Edocat Edward says the donation of a building by Mr. Yong Francis in Mile 3 Nkwen has removed all worries. The said building has been renovated and equipped at the cost of FCFA 23 million. Meanwhile, the contract and design for a medical school has already been awarded. While waiting for more staff to be recruited, 10 permanent lecturers are present with more part-time lecturers coming from Buea and Bamenda and among the retired. The three options that exist are Medicine, Nursing and Medical Laboratory Technology.

University of Buea

The institution's Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) graduated its pioneer batch of 53 medical doctors on December 15, 2012. Under the new dispensation, FHS will train 80 medical students. Formally operating from the main campus, FHS now has two new buildings at its new site in Bomaka also known as "Campus B". According to the Dean of FHS, the faculty had in the past been recruiting fifty students for Medicines, 50 for Medical Laboratory Science and 50 for Nursing. This time around, he explained, the faculty would admit at least fifty for each department. They will continue to train medical doctors, Medico-Laboratory technicians and Nurses.

Efforts are being made to improve the teaching staff strength through the recruitment of new lecturers and promotion of lecturers already working. The Limbe Regional Hospital and its Buea Annex as well as the Tiko Cottage Hospital are being used for the meantime as teaching hospitals while waiting for the construction of a new teaching hospital and students' on-campus residence.

University of "Montagnes" Bagangté

The Higher Institute of Health Sciences (ISSS) of this private institution in the West Region that offers training in human medicine, pharmacy and dental surgery as well as medico-sanitary sciences. With three campuses in Mfetum, Chougo and Banekane, laboratories, a teaching hospital, library, teaching staff and restaurants for teachers, FSS is set to receive 80 students in medicine, 60 students in pharmacy and 50 students in dentistry.

Higher Institute of Medical Technologies, Nkolondom

Scheduled to receive 50 students in medicine next school year, this private institution in the outskirts of Yaounde is ready to start training medical doctors.

Source: Cameroon Tribune