File Photo of road construction
During the evaluation meeting for the construction of the Mengong-Sangmelima road of 73.658 km, a few days ago in Yaoundé, the Minister of Civil engineering, Emmanuel Nganou Ndjoumessi, declared himself satisfied with the works undertaken on this important road.
From the presentation made by the monitoring mission, we can mention that significant progress were noted in the execution of the works. The global progress for May 2016 is estimated at 12% for 31.93% of the time allocated. The main completed works are the general worksite installation, construction and geotechnical surveys, maintenance of the existing road, clearing and preparing the land, removal of topsoil and earthworks.
However, the monitoring mission noted that the rate of progress of the completed works would be higher if some constraints had not delayed the work developments. There is for example the total release of the Esse-Akak quarry where the equipment of the former dismissed company is still on site and the full release of the expropriated lands in the project areas. Several actions have been carried out to solve these different situations and, currently, the company has started removing its equipment to enable the company Arab Contractors start work. The Mvila prefectoral commission is working hard to finalise the expropriation process on the project.