Meritorious Workers Honoured in Bamenda

Tue, 21 May 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Governor Adolf Lele Lafrique presided over hitch free May 20 activities in Bamenda.

It was a unity walk, torchlight procession and camp fire 24 hours earlier that set the pace for hitch free May 20 celebrations in Bamenda . The day was early to break for the event with North West Governor, Adolf Lele Lafrique arriving at the ceremonial ground with military precision at 9:30 a.m. for the event that offered a rare moment to honour some illustrious sons and daughters of the country who have made their mark at the service of the nation. Among the privileged few decorated with the Cameroon National Order of Valour, Order of merit, merit of the Public Force, Agricultural Order of merit and the Sports Order of merit were, Mrs Mundi Regina Elizabeth, the refined teacher, faithful Christian, Alternate member of Cameroon's pioneer Senate and Political Bureau member of the ruling CPDM party, El Hadj Lawan Bako, President of the UDP party, Fombon Fomuso Gais, Col Louba Zal, Justice Ngwene James George, His Majesty Forbuzie Martin Asanji of Chomba etc.

Lt Col Ndema Siang Robert commanded the troops when the military parade later set the tone for the military and civilian march past that featured Primary schools, colleges, professional institutions, Universities, social groups and political parties among which were the ruling CPDM, opposition SDF, UNDP, UPC and UDP. Weeklong activities ahead of May 20, 2013 in Bamenda also featured march past rehearsals, exhibition of historical photos of major actors of reunification, traditional dresses, traditional dance competition, tree planting and sports competitions.

Source: Cameroon Tribune