Mezam - New Comers versus Incumbents

Tue, 6 Aug 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Six political parties have fielded in candidates for both legislative and municipal election in Mezam considered one of the country's political hot spots. Quite a good number of new faces feature on the lists presented by various political parties. This logically tells of the nature of competition that could be expected from this constituency. As far as legislative elections are concerned, the three seats in display are to be contested by three political parties: the CPDM, SDF and CNC. Ahead of the September 30 polls, the match seems to be between the CPDM and the SDF.

Two old names in parliament, Hon. Fobi Nchinda Simon from Mezam Centre and Paul Nji Tumasang from Mezam South, all of the SDF who are banking so much on their experiences as MPs, will be challenged by new comers on the CPDM list, Che Crecy Tawah and Mbah Shupong Michael who will certainly be campaigning under the shadow of big names in the party such as Simon Achidi Achu, John B, Ndeh, Fru Jonathan and Atanga Nji. Mr Tawah, a big name from Mankon and a refined diplomat popularly known as Excellency in the area is into business and an illustrious son of the soil. His candidature is seen as a serious threat to experienced Hon. Fobi Nchinda.

The race in Mezam North is expected to be stiff between two sons of the soil. Mbonifor Kennedy Ngwa coming in on the ticket of CPDM and Fusi Naamukong Wilfred Aziya standing for SDF are all popular names in the area, notably in Bafut sub Division. Mbonifor is young, dynamic and bringing in experience from abroad and will likely have the support of the youths. Fusi is a businessman, owns a security company and President of Manjong group in Bafut and having as alternate Beatrice Anembom Monju, who gained her popularity thanks to the party's propaganda programme on CRTV.

Two other political parties, the CNC and PAP are equally fielding in candidates that are little known but in politics surprises are never programmed ahead of time.

Source: Cameroon Tribune