Mfoundi VII renews support for Paul Biya

PaulBiyaCPDM Paul Biya

Mon, 9 Nov 2015 Source:

The 33rd anniversary of the New Deal was commemorated in Nkolbisson with a fervent determination to stand behind Paul Biya for future victories.

The Mega-Cool hall in Nkolbison, Yaounde VII sub-division, was jammed to capacity as members and supporters of the ruling Cameroon People’s Democratic Movement (CPDM) party for Mfoundi VII Section turned up massively to celebrate 33 years of Paul Biya’s ascension to power in strict respect of the directives of the Central Committee.

Speakers at the rally stressed the need for greater mobilisation behind the Head of State, Paul Biya and the defence forces for an eventual victory against the nebulous sect, Boko Haram, the success of the Emergency Plan and the consolidation of the spirit in view of future successes.

The Mfoundi Divisional President for the Reorganisation of basic organs of the party, James Onobiono emphasised the need for serenity in the upcoming elections within the party organs stating that the poll is among comrades thus there is no place for skirmishes.

The Mfoundi VII CPDM Section President, Hon. Jean Simon Ongola Omgbwa, exhorted the militants to remain united behind President Paul Biya especially at this moment when the country is facing threats from Boko Haram aggressors. The event was also attended by the Government Delegate to the Yaounde City Council, Gilbert Tsimi Evouna.
