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Mintp staff attend public-private partnership workshop


Wed, 31 Dec 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The staff of the Ministry of public works participated in training on the control of competitive dialogue and negotiation of partnership.

The training session opened Monday by the Secretary General of the Ministry, Philémon Zo'o Zame, focused on the conduct of competitive dialogues and negotiations of partnership contracts.

Participants were equipped with the requisite knowledge to better drive the large developmental projects involving private partners. Training for officials of the Ministry of public works and engineers of the State detailed on the implementation of infrastructure projects.

According to the Director of engineering of buildings and other infrastructure at Mintp, M. Tchouplaou, "the competitive dialogue is the study of the technical records that various private partners submit to meet the demands of the public partner which is the State or local authorities. In a practical way, each private partner presented his views, an overview of his organization. Each public partner was required to set up a team to evaluate, compare these offers and define the offer that can meet his needs. Afterwards, they held meetings and sessions of work with private partners in the framework called competitive dialogue", he concluded.

The workshop elaborated on mastering the concept of public-private partnership, the pre-financing of projects, as well as for follow-up studies and the realization of railway, airport, port, highway projects and public buildings.

It was expected that, at the end of the training, the department should gain control of the development of instruments, techniques of analysis on projects and selection of partners, analysis of the modes of management of large-scale public projects, as well as the mastery of management.

Participants after the session should have acquired principles for the development of mechanisms of implementation of contracts of partnership and the assessment of their feasibility. The training conducted with the assistance of the Council to support the achievement of partnership contracts (Carpa) ended Tuesday.

Source: Cameroon Tribune