Mvolye, Yaounde Holy Ghost Parish celebrates anniversaries

5538 XMgr Jean Mbarga120116500.pagespeed.ic.Q5cFvrMjFT Archbishop of the Yaounde Catholic Archdiocese, Jean Mbarga

Fri, 3 Jun 2016 Source:

The beginning of Catholic Church evangelism in Cameroon in 1906 with the erection of the Holy Ghost Church in Mvolye, Yaounde, was remembered by local Christians recently.

The 110th anniversary of the church was celebrated alongside the 10th anniversary of the Francophone Holy Ghost Parish, Mvolye, as the church became known since 2006.

In his homily, the Archbishop of the Yaounde Catholic Archdiocese, Jean Mbarga, recalled the sacrificial role of early missionaries who laid the foundations of the church in persecution.

But 110 years on, the Roman Catholic Church is waxing strong, he said. “After Easter, Pentecost and Ascension, every event has significance,” Jean Mbarga noted. Spiritan Fathers named the chapel Holy Ghost Church. Spirituality, the Archbishop explained, is all about one’s relationship with their spiritual master.

“A Christian must through action show faith because the Holy Spirit is the essence of life,” he emphasised.

Jean Mbarga implored Christians to go beyond the worship of ancestral spirits to worshipping the Holy Spirit – the One with the power to save and protect. He expressed hope that Cameroon will be enrooted in the Holy Spirit.

According to His Lordship Jean Mbarga, the anniversary of the Mvolye church is in fact 110 years of evangelisation in Cameroon.

“It is a moment to remember the good work of early missionaries and thank God for the spread of the gospel in Cameroon since 1906. Cameroon is blessed with faith. Our duty is to ensure that this work is not only continued, but strengthened,” he pointed out.

Rev. Father Albert Ndongo Assamba, the Parish Priest of the Francophone Holy Ghost Parish, Mvolye, said they were blessed to be members of the first Catholic Church in Cameroon. “The church building is a treasure worth preserving and protecting.

Today, we can see the fruit of all the investments – spiritual, provision of standby generating set, etc. Our plans include making the Holy Spirit a spiritual retreat arena or cenacle for spiritual replenishing,” he concluded.

In addition to confirmation of baptism, administration of the Holy Communion, the Archbishop later blessed the standby generating set acquired by the parish.
