Nationwide cancer campaign underway

Cancer Cancérologique Photo used for Illustrative purpose

Wed, 25 May 2016 Source:

Activities to curb cancer in Cameroon are on-going throughout the country with a free screening of breast, prostate and cervical cancers in some regional hospitals in the country. The Permanent Secretary of the National Cancer Control Committee, Professor Doh Anderson says the week, which began on May 21, 2016 in Yaounde with a sensitisation march against cancer will end on May 28, 2016 nationwide.

The Minister of Public Health, André Mama Fouda joined participants during the march educating the population to adopt appropriate attitudes such as physical exercises to avoid being obese which heralds to certain cancers. While noting that breast and cervical cancers are the leading causes of cancer-related morbidity and mortality in the country, Prof Doh noted that currently at the Dschang District Hospital and the Regional Hospital in Ngaoundere, a team of experts from the National Cancer Control Committee are busy screening women of breast and cervical cancers well as prostrate cancers in men.

The exercise will end on May 28, 2016. Besides round table discussions on cancer related diseases, the Permanent Secretary of the National Cancer Control Committee revealed that the week is also an opportunity to intensify media sensitisation on cancer related diseases and the vaccine for cervical cancer. He explained that a team of experts will visit certain schools in the country to sensitise mostly girls on cervical cancer and the measures government is taking to introduce it into the country.

Prof. Doh said young girls are a target group because of the high rate of cervical cancer in the country. When the National Programme of Vaccination against Human Papilloma Virus will be launched and introduced by the government, Prof Anderson Doh said young girls will be highly protected against cervical cancer

The cancer committee will also educate the population on other factors that helps curb cancer. One of such is the avoidance of polluting agents particularly tobacco and eating proper diet (a lot of vegetables and fruits).
