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OHADA court treats 20 CMR'nian files in Yaounde


Sat, 8 Nov 2014 Source: CRTV

The common court of justice and arbitration (CCJA) of the organisation for the harmonization of business Law in Africa (OHADA) has treated some 20 Cameroonian files in Yaounde.

Among the total of 24 cases that deal with Cameroonian litigants, 20 received final judgment while four others were adjourned.

The suspended cases have been scheduled for next the sitting to hold in any OHADA member country.

OHADA is a common court of Justice and arbitration that ensures the consistency in the interpretation of uniform arts.

The court is based in Cote D’Ivoire, but since 2013, the court has been holding hearings in any of the 17 OHADA contracting states.

Cameroon is the seventh OHADA member country to host a sitting out of Abidjan.

The CCJA created 17 years ago also serves as an advisory organ upon request.

Source: CRTV