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PCC: Moderator, Synod Clerk begin mission

(L R)  The Very Rev. Nyansako Ni Nku, Rev. Babila Fochang, Rt. Rev. Fonki (Moderator) And The Very R

Tue, 17 Mar 2015 Source: CRTV

The Right Reverend Samuel Fonki and Reverend Fochang George Babila, recently elected Moderator and Synod Clerk, respectively have officially begun their pastoral mission in the Presbyterian Church of Cameroon (PCC).

The induction took place in Buea on Sunday, March 15, 2015 in the presence of top government authorities, the bigwigs of the PCC and church members.

The induction ritual, during the divine service at the field of the Presbyterian Comprehensive Secondary School (PCSS) Buea, was chaired by the outgoing Moderator, the Very Right Reverend Festus Ambe Asana.

During his first sermon entitled, “Be transformed transformers”, the new Moderator, the Rt Rev Samuel Fonki called on members of the PCC to renew their minds and help build a dynamic church.

Drawing inspiration from Romans 12:2, the Rt. Rev Samuel Fonki encouraged them to turn away from secular lifestyles and strive for a church which will be a visual symbol of moral rectitude.

He also exhorted all Christians to continue doing good, unite the PCC and use every situation in life as an opportunity to serve.

During the solemn ceremony, the Lord’s Supper was served and gifts presented to the men of God who had just taken office.

The service was highlighted with songs presented by a number of choirs whose angelic voices added more meaning to the unique occasion.

Not only were there traditional authorities and dozens of Pastors to witness the occasion; spiritual leaders from other denominations answered present as a show of solidarity with the Presbyterian Church of Cameroon.

Source: CRTV