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Private sector sign up to the fight against corruption


Fri, 21 Nov 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

Two protocols of agreement for combating corruption in the private sector in Cameroon were signed Wednesday, November 19 201, at the headquarters of the national anti-corruption Commission (CONAC) at the Congress Hall in Yaoundé.

The first agreement was concluded between GICAM and the Business Coalition against Corruption (BCAC) and the second, between the CONAC and the GICAM. The signatories of the documents were André Fosto, president of GICAM, Raph Manyi, president of BCAC and Dieudonné Massi Gams, president of the CONAC.

After the signing of the documents, Dieudonné Massi Gams said in his speech that in attacking the private sector, the social cancer that is corruption is trying to gnaw, inside the economic building as Cameroon and Cameroonians are trying to build on a daily basis.

The partnership sealed between CONAC and GICAM thus has the following objectives: to emerge an anti-corruption spirit, contribute to the improvement of the formulation, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of strategies to combat this scourge; improve the perception of the scourge in the world of business through studies and other investigations, exchange information relevant to the fight against corruption.

According to the president of the CONAC, particular attention should be paid to problems such as customs fraud, the tax incivility, counterfeiting, scam of economic operators by the public administrations, sprains to the public procurement system.

"We can do business in Cameroon, gain market share, and profits, ensure growth with ethics and integrity," said Dini Massi Gams before indicating that it is expected of GICAM to promote among its members, not only economic leadership, but also the ethical leadership in the business world. Despite the obstacles that will arise in the execution of the partnership, "we must stay on course because the CONAC and GICAM have faith in the victory of good over evil", he concluded.

According to Raph Manyi, President of the BCAC, GICAM as strategic partner in the fight against corruption is an encouraging sign that shows we can have confidence in the future of business in Cameroon, taking into account the important weight of this employer organization.

As for André Fotso, president of the GICAM, he indicated that the group he leads shared also the concern to promote a culture of business based on values and principles such as respect for the laws of the Republic and liabilities, protection of the environment or the fight against corruption within the company and develop its performance and its competitiveness.

The convention with the BCAC aims to encourage Member companies in GICAM to join the anti-corruption coalition to improve the business climate in Cameroon.

Source: Cameroon Tribune