SOPECAM books sold at give-away prices


Thu, 11 Dec 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The exhibition stand of the Cameroon News and Publishing Corporation (SOPECAM) was almost beehive-like yesterday December 10 as visitors thronged to take home some books edited by the outfit at almost no price.

Yesterday was set aside for the selected authors of the books to come explain to the public the in and out of the books and for readers to take home each of the books at FCFA 1,000. This was under the banner, “Promotion des Editions SOPECAM Operation Un Livre à 1000 FCFA.”

In a chat with Cameroon Tribune, the Marketing and Commercial Director at SOPECAM, Alex Mimbang, said the objective was to allow visitors to have a direct contact with authors as well as to discover what SOPECAM is proposing in terms of book editing in Cameroon. Notably, the advantages the outfit offers vis-à-vis other editors. “With our slogan, Un Livre à 1000 FCFA, visitors can acquire one of the books edited by SOPECAM at a symbolic price of FCFA 1,000.

Besides this, we are also showcasing other activities of the company be it the press, printing and advertising sectors,” he said. The stand, he added, is heavily visited given the company’s opportunity of being at the forefront with its numerous products. “We are receiving visitors who are inquiring on the evolution of our newspaper and our editorial line. We are telling them that we respect the ethics of the profession as we accompany government in its actions,” Mr Mimbang noted.

Meanwhile, the authors we met in the stand saluted the decision by management to project their works at the ongoing show. According to Seraphin Deffo Deffo, author of a 186-page, “Coeur blessé,” edited by SOPECAM in 2012, “I was glad when SOPECAM asked me to come for this edition. I appreciate what is being done here.”

He saluted the inquisitive nature of visitors on why he wrote the book, how he got the inspiration and how easy or difficult is it to come up with such a book. Corroborating Seraphin Deffo Deffo, another author, Abbé Gabriel Akoa Mbarga, of “Symbolismes africain et chrétien: similitudes et divergences” said “there is need to continue working to seek new ways of communication so that the world could be transformed and people well informed.”

Source: Cameroon Tribune