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St. Charles Lwanga Parish Molyko host ADP Meeting

Diocesan Priests

Thu, 26 Jun 2014 Source: CameroonWeb - Nkengmeyi Emilia

More than 80 priests from the Buea diocese yesterday, June 25 converged at the St Charles Lwanga Parish Molyko for the meeting of the Association of Diocesan Priest.

This meeting which is held twice annually, with the first session in January and the second in June was scheduled to take place in Buea during the first sitting at the St John Parish, Balangi.

The meeting started with Holy Mass at 9:00am with Rev Fr. Jude Visoh as the main celebrant. Assisting him was Rev Fr. Richard Tah, Rev Fr. Agbor, and Rev Fr. Francoise Xavier together with all the other priests from the Buea Diocese.

According to the chairman of the meeting, Rev Fr. Franklin Fomukong, the purpose of the meeting is for all priests in different parishes under the Buea diocese to come together and celebrate the Eucharist, which stands out as the source of their Christian life, discuss and deliberate on matters and issues which would enable them effectively work as priests as well as caution, encourage and strengthen each other.

He also added the fact that it was imperative for all the priests within the diocese to move around and visit their prospective parishes which they may subsequently be posted to work there.

“This period could also be a moment of relaxation for us and a forum to discuss other matters touching each and every one of us,” He said.

While addressing the congregation that showed up during the mass to support them, Rev Fr. Franklin reiterated the fact that the priesthood is a delicate task and continuously asked the Christians to remember and constantly put them in prayers.

Rev Fr. Vincent Mesue, Parish priest of the St Charles Lwanga Catholic church molyko and the host parish, expressed his joy for haven been accorded the privileged to host such an important event.

In his capacity as the chairman of the host parish, Mr. Njomo Kelvin welcomed all the visiting priests and quickly acknowledged the increase in spirituality owing to their presence in the parish.

After a peaceful and successful deliberation, the priests had a meal together to show the spirit of communalism that exists among them.

Source: CameroonWeb - Nkengmeyi Emilia