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UB Journalism students schooled on job creation

UniversityBueaUniversity of Buea logo

Thu, 28 Apr 2016 Source: The Median Newspaper

Over 250 UB’s Journalism students have been challenged to gain work experience soon after graduation as a prerequisite to getting better and sustainable jobs. The call was made during a one day Career/Orientation Workshop at the Amphitheatre 250 of the University of Buea recently.

The event brought together former Journalism students now in the job market as guest speakers; for them to share their experiences and tips of how they survived the ever competitive job market in the country with their future colleagues.

Mr. Benyella Njeko, CEO of Clone Multimedia LTD talked on “Unconventional Entrepreneur” in which he discussed the tips of how students could gradually transform their ideas to the extent of becoming entrepreneurs even before their graduation from the University. He equally shared his experiences and challenges of how he got started and the success tips that kept him going right up to the moment.

Meanwhile, another presentation titled “Turning your stumbling blocks into stepping stones” was presented by Mr. Enobi Prince Micheal, CEO of NHNR (a leading music recording studio in Buea). The presenter who is now a business guru challenged all the students in his interactive presentation to always grab every little opportunities given them and make the best out of them. According to him, the students should belief in themselves, focus on whatever they do, keep healthy relationships with friends, stop complaining; adding that success comes in diverse ways.

The event was finally graced by a power presentation from Mr. Budi Norbert Mbua, CEO of africdigital and Budi Motivates; in which he trilled the students with his success story in the job market. Mr. Budi admonished the students to be conscious of their background, take education serious, be smart and be hungry for knowledge.

Norbert crowed the workshop with the award of prices to some students. Ndzi Giyo Ndzi (first prize, CFA Francs 10.000 and a 200.000 two-month professional internship at afrcdigital), while Eposi Mbella Meronie, another first year Journalism student won the second price; CFA Francs 10.000.

Source: The Median Newspaper