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Roadworthiness Control - War Against Worn-Out Vehicles On-Going

Tue, 22 May 2012 Source: Cameroon Tribune

The exercise is to ensure users obtain authentic roadworthiness certificates for their vehicles.

A dilapidated vehicle can cause a ghastly accident. Given that the Ministry of Transport has set as one of its 2012 road map targets to curb the number of accidents along the country's highways, a national campaign to check the roadworthiness of vehicles in the country has been launched to last from May 22 to the 28. During this period, personnel from the Ministry of Transport and forces of Law and Order will verify the authenticity of the roadworthiness certificates of vehicles owners which indicates that their vehicle is in good state and fit for any road in the country.

The Centre Regional Delegate of Transport, Jean Claude Voundi Nkana says the time has come for vehicle owners to prove the authenticity of their roadworthiness certificate which is a certificate obtained at a regional or divisional centre for transport after passing through an authorised roadworthiness centre. During the campaign, transport officials will verify the roadworthiness certificates of all vehicles as well as sensitise people to establish their certificates the right manner. Jean Claude Voundi added that stringent controls will take place at roadworthiness centres in a bid to make sure that the issuing of roadworthiness certificates is done within the standards required. During and after the campaign, persons who do not obtain authentic roadworthiness certificates will face the law.

Source: Cameroon Tribune