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Régine Ongolo Mobilises SA'a

Fri, 27 Sep 2013 Source: Cameroon Tribune

With a 99 per cent withdrawal of voter's card, a 100 per cent vote for the CPDM is awaited.

As the count down to the legislative and municipal elections narrows, the president of the CPDM campaign commission for Sa'a in the Lékie Division of the Center region, Régine Ongolo Ndzana mobilised the indigenes of Ekekom to rally behind the Head of State, President Paul Biya and give the party a sweeping victory on September 30.

The campaign commission leader urged inhabitants of Ekekom village to retrieve the remaining one per cent voter's card and score a 100 per cent participation rate on the D-day. Corroborating the campaign commission leader, the parliamentarian of the Division, Jean Bernard Ndongo Essomba cited the meaningful development in the area including roads and the creation of schools.

He added that more will come if the Ekekom village supports Biya's 2035 vision by voting the party's white ballot wholeheartedly. Electors during the rally were told that CPDM is the gateway for development thus, the only body that will provide scarce needs like portable water, electricity, schools, health centres etc.

Electors during the crowd-pulling rally that brought together all the villages of Sa'a Sub Division went home with one message "shun in-house tussle, vote for the party and not for individuals and score 100 per cent for the party."

Source: Cameroon Tribune