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Road safety launches hunt for holders of dangerous metals

Mon, 22 Sep 2014 Source: Cameroon Tribune

It is an innovation derived from the campaign of control, monitoring, repression organized by the national gendarmerie Saturday on the Yaounde-Douala axis.

Three teams of gendarmes were posted in Pougue, Mohole and Pouma. The team directed by the commander of the detachment Alpha Yaounde-Boumnyebel-Pouma, colonel Z.Fossi is on-site for the control of the passengers and the truck drivers.

All the cars passing through this area passed through the scanner of the national gendarmerie. Even the major general, ordering first area of gendarmerie, Simon Pierre Dagafounangsou personally engaged in searching all the passengers and their luggage thanks to the detectors of metals.

"When one has quite precise information, all the passengers are removed from the bus. And at this time, the sense of smell plays also a great role", reveals the captain Brice Mimbolo.

After which the adjudant of gendarmerie Aboui Balled passed the apparatus from the head to the feet of the travelers. "The introduction of this device holds with the idea of reinforcement of the safety of the people and the goods on our road axes. Because we noted that taking into account the topicality and especially of the asymmetrical threat which weighs on our country and which can cover various contours, we thought that it was convenient to introduce this instrument of control. This one enables us to know if the user of a vehicle or if the transported material on board is safe", explains Colonel Z. Fossi.

Source: Cameroon Tribune