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Local farmers to compete with expatriates in poultry fair

Chicken Farm Chicks

Wed, 22 Oct 2014 Source: The Post Newspaper

The Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, MINEPIA, in partnership with the Cameroon Poultry Inter professional Association, IPAVIC, will on October 23-25, 2014, organise the Yaounde International Poultry Fair.

The fair dubbed SAVI 2014, is intended to bring together professionals and amateurs, and create a forum for them to showcase Cameroon’s potentials in the sector, exchange ideas and experiences, work together and create a way forward for a better poultry sector not only in Cameroon, but also in the Central African Sub Region through constructive reflections.

It will equally be an opportunity for economic operators and potential investors to meet foreign experts, and a unique occasion for Cameroon to showcase her technology, innovations and professional know-how.

The main activities of the fair would revolve around expositions of enterprises, scientific discussions and exchanges. Focus will be on breeding, professional formation, production of poultry feed, whose importation at present is not allowed, and animal health issues.

Speaking during a press conference to announce the event, the Fair’s General Coordinator, Malet Ma Njami Mal Njam underscored the importance of poultry in Cameroon’s economy and the need for such a programme.

He revealed that the sector does not only contribute to the Gross National Product, GDP of the economy; it contributes about 15 billion of the economy in monetary form and covers 14 percent of the amount of animal protein consumed by the population. It is also a great source of employment.

The poultry fair will see the exhibition of some 100 national and international enterprises from; Nigeria, Gabon, Congo, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, South Africa, Central Africa Republic, France, Great Britain, Ivory Coast, Turkey and Algeria.

The enlisted exhibitors will include research and analyzing laboratories, enterprises that deal with the construction of breeding houses, national and international professional organisations, training institutes, financial organisations, stock suppliers, poultry food producers and importers of raw materials.

With the population having a free access to the fair that falls in line with President Biya’ emergence plan, unlimited numbers of visitors are expected some of which include; egg producers, representatives of various administrations, chicken suppliers, researchers, among others.

The fair which is a typical example of a public-private partnership was supposed to take place last April.

Source: The Post Newspaper