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Lecturers continue strike despite promises from Minesup

University Of Yaoundé 1

Tue, 4 Nov 2014 Source:

The strike started Monday morning and threatens to extend until Saturday in all eight State universities of Cameroon.

Lecturers of State universities in Cameroon started their strike this Monday, November 3rd, 2014 claiming payment for the third quarter of 2014 fiscal of the relative special allocation account for University research. The lecturers were normally expected to receive this bonus between 1st and October 15th.

They intend to extend this new strike action over a week despite assurances from the Minister of Higher Education announcing the beginning of the payment of these funds, this Tuesday, November 4th, 2014.

The National Syndicate of Teachers (Synes) which organizes this disengagement, has no confidence in the authorities of higher education who have the habit of not respecting deadlines for payment of these premiums of research since it was introduced by the head of State on April 8, 2009.

And after a release of the Minister of higher education, Jacques Fame Ndongo, announced over the CRTV that the payment of this third quarter of 2014 will begin today, Tuesday 4th November 2014, in accordance with the timetable laid down in conjunction with the competent services of the Ministry of finance.

"With regard to payment by transfer to account for the third quarter of fiscal year 2014 with banks of the respective accounts of the beneficiaries, the press release stated that the funds are already in the pipeline specifically online.

Bank transfers will begin however on Friday, 7th November 2014, at the instance of the competent technical services of the Ministry of finance", Jacques Fame Ndongo noted.
